
Letting your hair down and going crazy at UWC Maastricht's Crazy Hair Day! At the initiative of our primary school council, our students showed off their wildest and wackiest hairstyles! Whether they went for a towering mohawk, rainbow-coloured locks or something entirely unique, it was a...

Guus, Céline en Miranda zoeken een nieuwe collega docent Nederlands! Voor komend school jaar ziet het takenpakket er waarschijnlijk als volgt uit: twee examenklassen Nederlands (Language & Literature) en drie klassen NT2 (Language Acquisition, middenbouw). De voertaal op onze school is Engels en dat is misschien...

A very special speaker for our Career-related Programme Students today: Dutch television presenter Floortje Dessing! She shared her experience in sustainable fashion, sustainable hospitality and nature conserving: the three tracks our CP students can choose. At UWC Maastricht, we bring the outside world into our classrooms. UWCM supporters...

UWC Maastricht is very excited to announce that from September 2023, we will be offering a second track for International Baccalaureate Career-related Programme (IBCP) students! In addition to the current option in Business and Sustainability, talented musicians aspiring to a career or further studies in...